Moonriver Integration

2 min readSep 27, 2021

Dear community,

In our goal of being the multi-chain IDO platform leader, we are thrilled to announce you that MoonStarter is now supporting Kusama Smart Contracts via Moonriver!

What is Moonriver?

Moonriver is a companion network to Moonbeam and provides a permanently incentivized canary network. New code ships to Moonriver first, where it can be tested and verified under real economic conditions. Once proven, the same code ships to Moonbeam on Polkadot.


Why did we choose to integrate Moonriver ?

  • An Easy On-Ramp to Kusama: Quickly deploy your new or existing Solidity DApps to the Moonriver parachain — with little or no modifications — and gain easy access to the Kusama network.
  • Complete Ethereum Compatibility: Like Moonbeam, Moonriver is a full Ethereum-like environment and works with industry-standard Ethereum tools, DApps, and protocols.

As a result, we are now welcoming projects on Kusama via Moonriver to launch on our platform, so do not hesitate to contact us.

About MoonStarter

MoonStarter mission is to be the single-stop multi-chain launchpad for selected projects without distinction of the blockchain used. While the current project landscape is scattered and dependent on the blockchain used, MoonStarter aims to offer the possibility to launch on one or multiple selected blockchains, using only one token on the Binance Smart Chain.


