Announcing Space Falcon’s IDO on MoonStarter

2 min readJan 14, 2022


Dear Community,

We are happy to announce that Space Falcon has selected MoonStarter as one of their launchpads for their IDO.

About Space Falcon

Space Falcon is a Play-to-Earn metaverse intergalactic game where players travel across the cosmos to build an empire by completing in-game missions and collecting NFTs.

Space Falcon revolves around three main features:

  • Falcon Mission, the classic space shooter game
  • Falcon Galaxies, owned by players in the shape of NFTs. Owning galaxies allow players to participate in a revenue-sharing model where players visiting a galaxy must pay a tax fee.
  • Falcon MetaGround, a neutral galaxy where players trade mission-critical assets. Spaceship upgrades and new weapons can be traded from the inventory here.

Built on Solana, Space Falcon features two tokens:

  • Falcon ($FCON): The native utility and governance token allowing players to purchase NFTs (e.g. spaceships) and lands (galaxies). $FCON can also be staked for yield farming.
  • Falcon Gold ($FGOLD): The in-game currency used for in-game transactions and Play-to-Earn rewards mechanics.

For more details, please refer to the litepaper HERE.


Token Metrics

  • Initial market cap excluding liquidity: $1,134,000
  • Read More about the Tokenomics

IDO Details

  • Contribution chain: BSC
  • Distribution chain: Solana
  • Date: 21 January 2022 at 12 PM UTC
  • Price per token: $0.002; 100% at TGE
  • Total allocation: $70,000

How to participate ?

Please refer to our Medium article explaining our Tier System to get more info about our 2 paths to secure an allocation for Space Falcon. In order to participate, you have to complete the Google Form HERE before January 19th, 2022 at 11:59 PM (UTC).

For The Galaxy Path, you will need to start staking MNST by January 17th, 2022 at 11:59 PM (UTC), at the latest.

Whitelist results will be published on January 20th at 1PM (UTC).

For The Competition Path, you will have to perform tasks of Gleam Competition. You can start by clicking HERE.

Important! You will need to hold at least 1000 MNST to qualify for the competition.

For both paths, KYC is required and you need to have it approved by January 19th, 2022 at 11:59 PM (UTC) — KYC Link HERE.

About MoonStarter

MoonStarter’s mission is to be the single-stop multi-chain launchpad for selected projects without distinction of the blockchain used. While the current project landscape is scattered and dependent on the blockchain used, MoonStarter aims to offer the possibility to launch on one or multiple selected blockchains, using only one token on the Binance Smart Chain.


